Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact us if your question has not been answered

How do I sell my car?

Selling on MotorCloud is easy. Upload photos and your car’s information and receive offers the instant they’re made including rapid cash offers.

How much does it cost to sell my car?

Selling your car on MotorCloud is like fresh air: ABSOLUTELY FREE.

How do I get a rapid cash offer from a dealer?

Step one: upload your car to the MotorCloud.
Step two: watch dealers fall all over themselves to give you money.

Do I have to build an account to shop for cars?

You don’t have to build an account to shop. But cars on MotorCloud come and go in a flash. Building an account helps make sure you don’t miss the perfect car while you’re out crushing it at life in general.

How do I download the app?

Click here to download the app. and get ready to put your phone down, cause you’ll probably be driving off in your new car soon.

What does the app do?

The MotorCloud app is the fastest way to VROOM VROOM. Get top-dollar for your car, and make sure you’re getting the best deal when you’re ready to buy a car. Using MOTORCLOUD makes sure only serious buyers are looking at your car, and instantly lets you know the price of every car in your area before buying a car. If you know someone about to buy, be sure to ask: Did you VROOM VROOM?

Scan your car to sell it

Scan VINS to find similar cars in your area

Shop for cars

Know your car’s value

Sell it fast

Know your getting the best deal

Posts your vehicle to multiple platforms